Lord send a revival and let it begin in me!!! Hallelujah! Yesterday’s lesson talk about repenting of sin as a community. Yesterday was the day that we recognize the accomplishments of Martin Luther King. “To Be Cleansed of Sin” addressed the sins of injustice that take place within any given community. However, today’s lesson is personal! “To Experience Revival” is a direct call for us as individuals to allow God to let the revival begin in us first!

Psalm 80:18-19: Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.

This is it!!! This passage is a call to prayer! This passage implores us as believers to cry out to God until we hear from Him. Today’s lesson talks about not just giving God lip service, but rather seeking God with a pure and sincere heart.

It’s like hanging out at the hospital with a loved one, who is gravely sick. You wait around all day waiting and hoping to hear something good from the doctors. You don’t want to leave even for a restroom break because you fear that you may miss that five minute visit from the doctor. You find yourself denying your flesh by ignoring hunger, skipping the restroom, or even fighting tiredness, to avoid missing the doctor.  That’s exactly how we should desperately wait for a revival from God.  We need wait for God like we are in desperate need of His visitation.  We should forsake our own fleshly cravings so that we don’t miss His presence!   You know kinda like the five foolish virgins and the five wise virgins!  The foolish virgins missed the bridegrooms because they weren’t present when he came through!  The wise virgins waited patiently for the bridegroom and were able to receive him when he came to meet them.  Lord we will wait on You! 

This is it!!! Lord we will not turn away from you, but God we will run to you and call on your Holy Name! Lord restore us! Lord shine your face on us that we may be saved!!! Lord we will wait on You! God we will wait desperately for you visitation!

Lord send a revival and let it begin in me!

Lady Jay