Dr Tony Evans Hurst
Chrystal Evans Hurst

The Significance of a Kingdom Woman

We are approaching our next Kingdom Woman session! Let’s highlight some points from our last gathering!

We learned from the introduction that God sees us totally different than how others see us, and more importantly how we see ourselves. Dr. Tony Evans talked about our value as women. He gave a great illustration of a one hundred dollar bill. He balled the bill up, stepped on it, ripped in half, and even spit on it, to show us that despite all that damage that the one hundred dollar bill had endured, it still held it’s value. We were so blessed by that illustration! It doesn’t matter how the devil tried to reduce your value, God has already to determined your worth and nothing and nobody can ever change that! Hallelujah!

Another topic that Dr. Tony Evans discussed in the book was the word subordination. The chapter talked about the real meaning of the word subordination. We learned that the Greek interpretation of the word “subordination” is ezer kenegdo in the Bible and actually means “suitable helper”. Kenegdo has also been translated to mean, “completion of”. Dr Tony encouraged us to know that we are more than helpers. He reminded us that according to 1 Peter 3:7, “that God will not hear a man’s prayers when he does not honor his wife as an equal heir in God’s kingdom”. That’s right! That brother won’t be getting any favors from God unless he treats us as God sees us! The bible refers to women as the ‘weaker” vessel, or the “delicate” vessel. (1 Peter 3:7) We aren’t equal to a man, but we are equal heirs to God’s kingdom and we are to be handled with special care. Imagine that we are so significant to God that He placed specific instructions in the Bible on how husbands are to deal with us women. We are valuable to God and we were created with divine purpose in mind!

Ladies! Please never forget that God placed our value in us before we were ever born on this earth. No matter what damaging circumstances our lives may encounter, our godly value never diminishes!

Lady Jae

Please join us on March 1st for our next Kingdom Woman session! Will be discussing “The Woman of Value”.