God bless each of you. We’d like to share this helpful communication regarding Coronavirus. According to 2 Timothy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Being afraid is not wise when we should be trusting in God for EVERYTHING concerning our lives. He is yet in control. It is wise to arm yourself with knowledge, protect yourself and your family. Here’s some information to keep you informed.
✔ The Centers of Disease Control recommend canceling meetings and conferences when you have the option to do so.
✔ If you are concerned about safety in your work place, inquire about options to work from home.
✔ Coronavirus is spread through bodily droplets when you’re close to someone who is ill. Keep distance and try to remove yourself from small, crowded scenes.
✔ Be aware of touching shared things like ink pens in banks, or elevator buttons in public.
✔ Hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol is recommended.
✔ Children have not be showing symptoms, but are carriers of the virus. People aged 50 and older are most susceptible, according to current cases.
✔ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has up-to-date guidance on their website. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Feel free to forward this to your church group, family and friends. Let’s continue to WATCH and PRAY for all of those who have been affected and who have lost loved ones.