“Don’t Lose Focus”
Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Pastor Jones taught about keeping your focus and passion for the things of God. Pastor Jones reminded us that the devil was passionate about distracting Jesus. Satan made 3 attempts to entice Jesus to abort God’s plan for salvation. Pastor Jones pointed out that the devil came to Jesus during a vulnerable time. Satan is strategic in how he attacks the people of God. He comes at our weakest point, but may we be reminded he gives strength to the weary and increases power to the weak! Isaiah 40:29.
Pastor Jones pointed taught on these 3 principals from the passage of Matthew 4:1.
- When my desire is to please God, I will not give into the cravings of the flesh. (Matthew 4:1-4)
- What’s wrong with turning stones into bread? The problem is that it creates temptation.
- Temptation is not sin, but it can lead to destruction.
- We must have a disciplined life of feasting on the God’s Word.
- When I desire to please God, I will not exalt myself. (Matthew 4:5-7) I will remain humble and allow God to shine through me.
- When I desire to please God, I cannot be distracted by good things! Seek the creator and not the creation. (Matthew 4:8-11)
In conclusion, in all three circumstances in this passage attempted to entice Jesus with things that would distract Him from his deity, and more importantly the plan of salvation! Thank God that Jesus was not concerned about Himself, but what focused on completing the will of his Father!
Pastor Jones closed out the Bible Study by encouraging us to stay passionate about the things of God and to stay focused on the path of righteousness. Don’t be distracted!
Pastor Jones